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Our Members Mobilized!

It is with immense gratitude to Hashem that we share the results of our impromptu fundraiser last week.

As a relatively new organization, raising money is critical to our growth and success. It is a necessary part of the work we do to ensure we can bring our JWBLNG Members great programs, speakers, learning opportunities while building a strong community of Jewish women who work in the secular workplace!

One of our generous donors challenged us Erev Shabbos to raise what we could and they would match us, THAT DAY ONLY up to a max of $5000.

We accepted the challenge, with pleasure! Off we went...but quickly hit a brick wall when we discovered our fundraising platform was out of service.

Baruch HaShem we recovered ASAP, switched platforms and scurried to get the word out as far and wide as we could. In a short turnaround (and with a slight extension to Sunday), YOU, our beloved and valued Members, mobilized and raised over $2000!!

That translated to $4000 after being matched.

That may not seem like a lot, but remember, we're still new. We're local to Dallas, and we are still on the cusp of being known. The results showed us we're solid. We're making progress. And most importantly, we have an engaged, loyal membership of amazing community of women in JWBLNG who all held hands and made this happen.

We were all elated with the results! As Monday closed we felt great knowing there would be an additional $4000 in our account that week.

In a surprise turn of events, after seeing the commitment and dedication of our members and community who supported our cause, our generous donor gave the FULL $5,000 they had pledged, not just the matching amount...bringing the total raised to $7000+!!!

We are beyond grateful.

It's easy to sit in the office and believe in what you're doing, in trusting HaShem that you're providing an important, meaningful and life changing program but when you see the people you serve mobilize and take action to support you in supporting them, wow, that ROI outweighs everything else.

So, to our amazing members and community, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU!

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